Location Amsterdam

Bevalwijzer provides pregnancy courses for pregnant women and their partners.
View below the dates and times of our English spoken courses at our Bevalwijzer location in Amsterdam.

Our course location is located in the Baarsjes | Cabralstraat 1, 1057 CD Amsterdam.

Do you have a question or do you want to discuss something? Send an email to: manon@bevalwijzer.nl

Sold out?
Are the 1-day birth courses in Amsterdam fully booked? Please know that this English spoken course is also offered in Haarlem and Leiden.
We also offer this course in the form of an online course that you can follow entirely at your own pace and from home.
The content of this online course is the same as the physical course.

Maternity leave Manon
Manon is currently also enjoying her own maternity leave and can experience this intimate and special period herself. As a result, the processing of your registration or an answer to a question may take a little longer.

During her maternity leave, Manon tries to process her registrations and incoming emails on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Sold out?
Are the 1-day birth courses in Amsterdam fully booked? Please know that this English spoken course is also offered in Haarlem and Leiden.
We also offer this course in the form of an online course that you can follow entirely at your own pace and from home.
The content of this online course is the same as the physical course.


Geen evenementen gevonden!

Team Amsterdam

Manon de Graaf

Lotte Coumans

Lotte Coumans, verloskundige

Alida Roskam

Bevalwijzer verloskundige

Susan Dubbeldam

Bevalwijzer trainer Susan